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Commissioning on Compressor Modification Project Accomplished in Pakistan
Date:2019.06.28 Font Size

Yantai/June 27, 2019/Last month, Jereh just completed the commissioning of a batch of modified reciprocating compressor packages in Pakistan, which realized natural gas stimulation of local low-pressure wells.

Due to the depletion of gas wells, the original configuration, inlet and outlet pressure of client’s compressor packages were unable to meet the requirements of new operation. Moreover, it is costly to send the compressor back to manufacture factory for maintenance. As a consequence, the equipment was left unused for years, leading to a waste of resources and money.

Last year, the client decided to put out a tender for modification and re-apply the compressors for current operation.

After winning the project with tremendous efforts, Jereh engineers found that the original design differs from Jereh’s design in terms of layout, process technology and material selection. And the high liquid content of wellhead gas and extremely hot working environment of 50℃ gave Jereh a huge challenge.

Nevertheless, Jereh engineers managed to provide a customized solution for clients after multiple field investigations. The solution eliminated the bother of long-distance transportation and was conducted locally. During the project, thousands of spare parts were repaired or replaced, and the configuration was optimized to cater to local hot ambient as well as complicated operation conditions. For instance, the air cooler was upgraded and equipped with a sunshade, ensuring stable and safe operation with no cooling issues. It is highlighted that the compressor packages were powered by fuel gases, with no need of any connections of public water nor electricity. And aiming at the high liquid content of gas, Jereh’s blow-case design supported the high volume of wellhead gas treatment and thus boosted the natural gas production.

Up to now, the equipment has been running a failure-free operation for two months. With Jereh’s efficient modification, the almost-abandoned equipment became applicable and effective again, greatly saving client’s input on new facilities.

With customer-focused philosophy and experience of the local application, Jereh has delivered sets of compressor packages to Pakistan market and got high recognition. For this project, Jereh developed a new cooperation mode, and will see it an opportunity to keep on offering quality products and services for more natural gas production and supply.